Contact us!

We are here for you and your machines. Let’s make an appointment. Just text us, write an e-mail or fill out the contact form below.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Jan Műller

mechanic, toolmaker, engineer, technologist

Click here to view my curriculum vitae.

Erbenova 471,
460 08 Liberec 8

Czech Republic

ID number: 10928138
(+420) 776341876 for text messages

Monday: 8.00 –15.00 hod.

Tuesday: 8.00 –15.00 hod.

Wednesday: 8.00 –15.00 hod.

Thursday: 8.00 –15.00 hod.

Friday: 8.00 –15.00 hod.

Opening hours are for guidance only, please book an appointment in advance. Thank you.

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